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The Belfry CE VA Primary School, Overstrand

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Welcome from the North Star Federation governors


Welcome to North Star Federation. We meet as a full governing body half-termly and strive, with the Federation leadership team and staff to continual improve the Federation and its schools in implementing their shared Christian vision of hope for a brighter future for our children.


In accordance with the Government’s requirement for all Governing Bodies the three core strategic functions of the Governing Body are:


  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  2. Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.


In addition to carrying out the core functions above, we always welcome collaboration, both formal and informal, with others for the benefit of the school, its pupils and the wider community. If you have any suggestions, feedback or ideas, please contact the Chair of Governors via the school offices. 


You can find more details on the make up of the governing body below and information about our governance can also be found at Get Information About Schools.



Hayley Smith (Foundation Governor (Chair))

Hayley is a Foundation Governor and is on the Establishment Committee; she has responsibility for Head Teacher Appraisal and health & safety.   Her monitoring roles include English, Modern Foreign Languages, finance and early years.   Hayley is experienced in many aspects of education having been a Head Teacher of a village school and nursery for 24 years.  She also used to run her own school meals service for her school.   Her grandson and granddaughter have moved on to High School from Worstead.  She has another granddaughter currently at Worstead.  Hayley also sits on the governing body of another local primary school.  

Hayley has not declared any business or financial interests in the school. 

Hayley’s term of office runs 4 January 2024 to 3 January 2028.


Alison Moore (Foundation Governor (Vice Chair))

Alison Moore is Vice Chair of North Star Federation and a Foundation Governor. She has previously been on the Governing Board of Buxton Primary School, and Overstrand The Belfry. Alison has experience of primary education working as a headteacher for eighteen years in three different schools, as a Primary Education Adviser for Suffolk and for Norfolk, and as a Lead Facilitator for the National College for School Leadership. Alison is very interested in supporting children with special needs and disabilities and has volunteered as an Independent Supporter for Parents with children with special needs and disabilities. Alison is responsible for GPDR, Cyber security and Data Protection.

Alison has not declared any business or financial interests in the school.

Alison’s term of office runs 4 January 2024 to 3 January 2028.


Maureen Vaissiere (LA Governor)

Maureen is a Local Authority governor. She was a head teacher of a village school and later a primary adviser for Norfolk and then became a county headteacher. Maureen is currently retired. She has been a governor since November 2016 and is also a governor at another local primary school where her grandchildren have attended.

Maureen has not declared any business or financial interests in the school.

Maureen’s term of office runs 4 January 2024 to 3 January 2028.


Janet Butler (Foundation Governor)

Janet is a Foundation Governor and a communicant member of the Church of England. She lives locally. Janet is responsible for Safeguarding, Special Educational Needs and Looked after Children. Janet is an independent SEND consultant with many years experience of working in an advisory capacity for SEND in the county. Janet was a Governor at Worstead from 2015 prior to joining the governing board of North Star Federation. 

Janet has not declared any business or financial interests in the school.

Janet’s term of office runs 4 January 2024 to 3 January 2028.


Ruth Winterton, Bishops Appointed Foundation Governor

Ruth is a North Star Governor as well as a Governor for another C.E. V.A. Primary School.  She has responsibility as a Governor in the Establishment committee as well as for SIAMs and Safeguarding. Ruth also works as  a Community Outreach Worker for Mundesley Free Church and has a  background in nursing and midwifery. 

Ruth has not declared any business or financial interests in the school.

Ruth’s term of office runs 4 January 2024 to 3 January 2028.


Nick Read (Ex-Officio Headteacher Governor)

Nick is the Federation's Excecutive Headteacher and therefore sits on the governing body as Headteacher Governor. He is also Premises Manager. He sits on the establishment committee, and Full Governing Body meetings where committee business is ratified.


Charlotte Camelford (Staff Governor)

Charlotte Camelford is a staff governor and has three children, two at high school and one at nursery. She has been teaching at The Belfry for 15 years and teaches Early Years in the reception class, leading Phonics and Early Reading across the school. Charlotte believes in inspiring children to become life-long learners and develop skills to best equip them for successful lives now and in the future. Charlotte  decided to apply for the Staff Governor position to help support our Federation, develop new skills and have the opportunity to contribute to our local communities.

Charlotte has not declared any business or financial interests in the school.

Charlotte's term of office runs 4 January 2024 to 3 January 2028.


Mrs Beth Wheeler (Parent Governor)

Beth joined as a parent governor in 2019, and is now a Foundation Governor for North Star Federation. Beth has three children, one of whom currently attend Worstead C of E Primary School, and the eldest has moved on to high school. Beth is an Arts Facilitator and has 16 years experience supporting adults with learning disabilities. Beth's monitoring role is attendance.

Beth has not declared any business or financial interests in the school.

Beth’s term of office runs 4 January 2024 to 3 January 2028.


Mrs Frances Day (Parent Governor)

Frances was elected as parent governor for North Star Federation in January 2024, having previously been parent governor for Worstead School since 2020. Frances has two children at Worstead School. Frances works as a HR Business Partner in the NHS and sits on the Establishment Committee due to her familiarity with HR and finance.

Frances has not declared any business or financial interests in the school.

Frances’s term of office runs 4 January 2024 to 3 January 2028.


Victoria Pitkin (Foundation Governor)

Victoria is a Foundation governor.  She recently relocated with her family to North Norfolk from Edinburgh, but is originally from Canada.  She has two children who attend the Belfry.  Victoria is one of our SEND link governors.  

Victoria has not declared any business or financial interests in the school.

Victoria’s term of office runs 4 January 2024 to 3 January 2028.


David Warner (Foundation Governor)

David is the Vicar of the North Walsham Benefice, which includes the parish of Worstead and is a Foundation governor. He is also a governor at North Walsham Infant/Junior School. David is committed to supporting the whole school community in seeking the very best for the children, families and staff who form this special ‘community within a community.’ David lives in North Walsham with his wife Penny and Border Terrier, Buddy. Away from work, David enjoys walking, holidays and has renewed passion for Lego!

David has not declared any business or financial interests in the school.

David’s term of office runs 4 January 2024 to 3 January 2028.


Mrs Judith Arksey (Associate Governor for Finance)

Judith is the Worstead's finance officer and administrative manager. She reports to the Establishment Committee about staffing, premises and financial matters.


Mrs Helen Nudd (Associate Governor for Finance)

Judith is the Belfry's finance officer and administrative manager. She reports to the Establishment Committee about staffing, premises and financial matters.


Mr Steven Boast (Executive Deputy Headteacher and Associate Governor)

Steven was appointed Executive Deputy Headteacher of North Star Federation upon its creation in January 2024, having previously worked as a class teacher, subject leader and DSL at Worstead since September 2016.


Mr Saul Penfold (Associate Governor)

Declarations of interest and terms of governance


NameInterestNSF Term
Hayley Smith

Governor of Reedham Primary School



Alison MooreNo interest declared



Maureen Vaissiere

Governor of North Walsham Infant & Junior Schools



Janet Butler

SEND Consultant



Ruth WintertonCommunity outreach worker for Mundesley Free Church



Nick ReadNo interest declared



Charlotte CamelfordNo interest declared



Beth WheelerChild attending Worstead



Frances DayChild and niece attending Worstead



Victoria Pitkin

Child attending The Belfry



David WarnerNo interest declared



Saul Penfold

North Norfolk District Councillor

Norfolk County Councillor



Marina Carr

Red Cross volunteer, Winterton-on-Sea Parish Councillor

Norfolk County Council employee

Judith ArkseyNo interest declared



Helen NuddNo interest declared



Steven BoastNo interest declared



Monitoring responsibilities & attendance


Governors regularly monitor areas of school life in connection with their areas of responsibility. They liaise with school leaders and report back to governors at regular meetings. This responsibility is part of our annual Federation Improvement and Development Plan and is a key part of making sure the school keeps on the right track. 
