A new National Curriculum for all schools in England and Wales came into effect from 1st September 2014. At the Belfry CEVA Primary School, the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 programmes of study from the 2014 National Curriculum form the basis of the children’s learning. Please click on the link below to access the National Curriculum for both Key Stages 1 and 2 (the Primary Curriculum).
The National Curriculum does not apply to children in Reception; these children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. Please refer to the Reception Year tab on the Curriculum homepage for further information about their learning.
To ensure progression built on previous learning we identify lenses through which to view subject content. They are increasingly sophisticated lenses which develop through the year groups, while still referring back to previous learning in a recursive manner. It sounds tricky but have a look at the first section for a subject and you will see what we mean!
We seek to develop opportunities for pupils to become anti-fragile (independent, and happy to learn from mistakes), and be curious about the world they live in so that they will all become happy, successful and confident learners.
Phonics: Letters and Sounds
Reading Scheme: a mixture but lots of Oxford Reading Tree!
If you would like to find out more about the curriculum that the school is following then please either see the class teacher, or contact the school itself (see Contact Us details on left hand side tab). The curriculum is constantly developing and changing here and we would love to tell you about it if you are interested!