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The Belfry CE VA Primary School, Overstrand

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Vision and Values

VISION is a far-off aim - what we hope to achieve.

ETHOS describes the way in which we work to achieve it.

VALUES are the day to day characteristics that we teach and encourage in children.


These three underpin our school and are what makes it individual. As a Church of England school, they are particularly distinct. As part of the North Star Federation, The Belfry has shared characteristics with its partner school, Worstead, and also individual characteristics of its own.

North Star Federation schools share an overarching vision which directs the work and development of both schools. whilst recognising the individual character and long-established values of each.



Our shared vision of hope for The Belfry has three elements; hope for our world, our learning and our relationships. School leaders and governors look for signs of these in everything the children here do. 



We have faith that our future will be great.

We search for solutions, rather than problems.

We take action where we can help.

We make our own changes then encourage others.

We see the bigger picture.



We will all learn throughout our lives.

We are not daunted by challenges.

We will find what we love to do and show excellence.

We keep our minds and bodies healthy.

We seek out opportunities.



We are kind, thoughtful people.

We seek to understand and include.

We give our time to others.

We forgive, and try to be better.

We help our community flourish.


The Belfry also has its own ethos summarised below;


"At The Belfry our ethos for the children and school community is that we are compassionate. We also know that we are all valued unconditionally.

We persevere in all our relationships, in all our learning. We strive to be the best we can be in an ever-changing world. This is how we will live."

