Each financial year, the DfE provides a Sports & PE Grant which to support healthy physical activity in schools. It is currently around £17,200 for The Belfry.
At The Belfry sport provision is extremely important to us and we are proud of our achievements in this area. We have employed a qualified PE instructor and a PE specialist staff member, and all staff use the Complete PE scheme to ensure high standards and subject knowledge in this specialist area. We are currently seeking expand our in-school and extra-curricular provision for sports and PE.
Children have many opportunities to take part in tournaments in a wide range of sports, and we have big plans for a steadily increasing number of extra-curricular clubs. We are blessed with amazing grounds and aim to use them to the fullest to promote an outdoor and active lifestyle. In KS2 classes children have a term of swimming lessons per academic year.
We provide outdoor adventurous activity in the form of Forest School for all children, an area which is under constant development and has just been put into commission this September (2024) following extensive volunteer work to clear and set up the area for full Forest School provision, led by our own qualified and experienced Forest School Teacher (Mrs Truman-Grieve).