Starting Reception marks the first day of 'big school' for many children who have already been to a pre-school or nursery. However we go to great lengths to ensure that every child who starts in Holly class is as ready as they can be.
Once we find out in April which children are coming to us, we start preparing. Mrs Camelford, the Holly class teacher, will contact children's pre-schools and parents, to arrange visits and handover of information so she is as well-informed as possible.
Around July we will then schedule three separate induction opportunities where your child will gradually get used to the routines and layout of the school, including where the toilets are, where to hang your things, when playtime is, and who are the staff and the other children in the class. These induction mornings are slightly lengthened each time so that your child will learn the lunchtime routine also.
For parents, you will receive lots of information both via email and in an induction meeting, and you will be able to ask any questions you wish. There's lots to take in before your child's first day of school. Then on 4th September 2024, the school journey begins!
(Please note we do not offer part-time or flexi-schooling, as children then miss out on the expected daily opportunities of learning and socialisation.)
Overstrand, the Belfry CE VA Primary School
Uniform Policy
The Belfry School expects our students to look clean, smart and to wear the school uniform. Our uniform with the grey sweatshirt and the school logo is simple one, aimed at fostering a feeling of 'belonging'.
White shirt and green tie
Grey jumper or school sweatshirt
Dark grey, straight-legged trousers or shorts
Plain grey socks
Grey skirt or tunic (pinafore)
Grey or dark green tights
Summer Uniform Option: Easter to October Half-term
School polo shirt may be worn instead of the white shirt and tie. A green checked dress may be worn
Shoes must be low-heeled, black, school-shoes. No boots, high heels or open-toed sandals may be worn. Trainers may only be worn for PE. (In bad weather, wellies or boots may be brought to school for outdoor play only)
Earrings may be worn, but they must be small plain studs. No other jewellery, nail-varnish or make-up may be worn at school. Hair accessories should be plain and small.
PE Kit
Green shorts and white polo top.
Trainers for outdoor PE. (The school does not recommend plimsolls for PE. Indoor PE is done barefoot)
Outside PE Kit: Plain jogging bottoms and top during colder weather.
PE bag (kept on your child’s peg)
Change of socks for PE
Optional Extras
School fleece jacket
Baseball cap