Pupil Premium is an annual grant allocated by government based on the number of children claiming Free School Meals at The Belfry at the annual October census. It is also given for Looked After Children (those in Local Authority care) and the children of service personnel. If FSM eligibility ceases for a particular child, PP continues for another six years.
Pupil Premium spending is not intended to be spent on individuals, but instead as a means of supporting the school to educate disadvantaged children more effectively in general through excellent teaching and breadth of experience. There may be cases where FSM children can be given opportunities at school that they might otherwise not access, for example trips to a theatre or a visit from a musician or author. We would never identify or single out PP-eligible pupils under any circumstances.
If you believe your child(ten) may be eligible for FSM, please get in touch with the school office and ask how to apply. It helps your child and the whole school!
Each December we publish a Pupil Premium Report detailing how we have spent PP and our plans for how we intend to. We also outline the rationale for our plans, based on latest research from the Education Endowment Foundation into how best to support PP-eligible children. This is because what may seem common-sense in how to allocate funding, is often not borne out by research into what actually makes a real difference.