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The Belfry CE VA Primary School, Overstrand

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Spring 1 Class Timetable

Welcome to Ash Class

Welcome to Ash Class!

We are delighted to be sharing responsibility for Ash Class again this year and look forward to sharing a brilliant year with the whole class!


Class Information

Teachers – Mrs Lee  (Monday - Wednesday) and Mrs Pearson  (Thursday and Friday)

Teaching Assistants – Miss Stobbart



Reading is a fantastic way to expand your child(ren)’s vocabulary, imagination and exposure to different writing styles. It would be great if you could encourage your child read daily. This can include reading silently to themselves, out loud to an adult or even an adult reading to them.

Once they have finished their Accelerated reader book, from school, they will be able to take a quiz on the book to gauge their understanding of it and choose a new book. If you wanted to help develop their comprehension, the following questions are good start points for conversations:


  • Can you find a few words/phrases/sentences that tell you about… (character, setting, atmosphere).
  • What do you think about the character?
  • Why do you think they reacted in the way they did?
  • What does (one particular word) mean? How do you know?
  • Can you put the events in order?
  • What did you enjoy/find surprising/dislike in this chapter?
  • Non – fiction: can you tell me about key features of the text and give me some examples?



Alongside daily reading, your child will be given a list of spellings each week which are sourced from the year 3,4,5,6 statutory spellings list. In school, we look at the morphology of the words, how they are constructed, and try to find ways to help them use different techniques to accurately spell the words.

A new list of spellings - along with your child’s notes on their morphology - will be given to your child each week on a Friday and spellings will be practised throughout the following week.

A copy of the statutory spellings for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 can be found on this page.



In Ash class, we will be focussing on developing fluency and reasoning skills when solving problems. In order to do this, it is vital that your child is able to quickly recall their times table facts up to 12 X 12 (multiplication and division).  We do cover timetables within class, however continuing to practise this at home will be hugely beneficial to them. The website below is brilliant to help consolidate their times table knowledge.

Times tables games - Learn them all here!


Thank you for all your support with your child’s learning, we look forward to a great year ahead with your child.


Mrs Lee and Mrs Pearson

2024/25 - Long-Term Plan

Autumn Term Knowledge Organisers

National Curriculum Spelling Lists
