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The Belfry CE VA Primary School, Overstrand

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Physical Education

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"I am in charge of my body when I do ‘puffed out’ PE and I can keep myself safe!

I am a Holly Class athlete!"



"I get puffed out when I improve my running, jumping, dancing, throwing and catching.

I am fair in team games.

I am a Larch Class athlete!"



"I get puffed out when I improve my running, jumping, dancing, throwing and catching.

I am fair in team games, know how to lose, and respect all players.

I am starting to swim with confidence.

I am a Willow Class athlete!"



"I get puffed out when I practice improving my running, jumping, dancing, throwing and catching.

I collaborate in team games, compete fairly, and know how to lose while respecting myself and all players.

I am using different strokes with confidence when I swim.

I am an Ash Class athlete!"



"I get puffed out when I practice improving my running, jumping, dancing, throwing and catching, and try to improve my personal best.

I collaborate in team games, compete fairly, and know how to lose while respecting myself and all players.

I can swim at least 25 metres confidently and can keep myself safe in the water.

I am an Oak Class athlete!"



PE Intent, Implementation and Impact


PE Intent


At the Belfry School we adhere to the National Curriculum aims of providing:

- A high-quality physical education curriculum that inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities.

- Opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness.

- Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.

We aim to do ensure that our children:

- develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- are physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities

- lead healthy, active lives.


Please see National Curriculum for PE for more information on this programme of study.


PE Implementation

We love sport at the Belfry CEVA Primary School and recognise the vital contribution it has to a child’s whole being; their physical, cognitive, social and emotional development. Our broad and balanced P.E. encourages our pupils to leave our school being physically literature.


To be physically literate we believe you have to practise, improve and hone the four components of physical fitness, physical competency, and the application of those into modified competitive games all whilst doing so in a sportsperson’s manner.


Our PE curriculum - created with the expert advice of two local high school heads of PE, and the Youth Sports Trust - focuses on those four components in order to increase our pupil’s ability in fundamental sporting skills such as throwing, catching, and locomotion, competitive strategies such as attacking and defending, whilst developing fitness, and their understanding of self-confidence, personal achievement, fair play, teamwork and an understanding of the ways in which sport can transcend social and cultural boundaries.


PE lessons are delivered by the class teacher and the intentionally are patterned so they are predictable, fast paced and effective.


From Reception to Year Six you will see patterned lessons consisting of three elements:


  • a whole class warm up
  • a whole class fitness regime
  • a focus on competency of skills or modified competitive sports. 


The weighting of our lessons remain the same for the warm up and fitness regime whereas the weighting of the lessons focussing on skills or competitive games will depend on the Key Stage.


  • EYFS and Key Stage One will have heavier weight in their competency of skills moving onto some modified competitive sport.
  • Key Stage Two will have a proportion of their lessons based on skill competency with heavier weighting on the application of those skills into modified competitive sport.


Throughout all of our PE lessons we will always discuss, promote and endeavour to embed the characteristics of a sportsperson.


The teachers all follow the same planning for the three elements of our PE lessons, with the main bulk of the lessons following our Complete PE scheme.


The broad range of sports in our PE curriculum have been specifically chosen to lead our children into sports that are provided by our local High School and sports that are offered in our Cluster School’s sporting events. We encourage our children to participate in our cluster school’s various competitions and tournaments, helping them to generate a healthy sense of competitiveness and the will to win!

 Through the Government Funding for sports (Sport Premium) we have provided the children with opportunities to lead healthy, active lives through the improved use of the school field, through skateboarding, and through skills based PE.


Sport related after school clubs are always popular at the Belfry and, with the involvement of external agencies we are able to provide a wide range of opportunities during the school year.



Larch class dribbling skills, Summer 1 2021

Year 5 and 6 'Puffed Out PE' Circuit Training, Summer 1, 2021

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Whole school skipping workshops, Summer 1 2021

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PE in Holly, Summer 1, 2021


Inter-school Key Stage 1 Athletics took place at Mundesley School with a phenomenal effort from every child... and a special mention to our 1st and 4th placings in the Year 2 boy’s race!



Ash Class being put through their paces by a coach from North Walsham Rugby!


Sports Day

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