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The Belfry CE VA Primary School, Overstrand

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Computing lenses



“We know we live in a digital world, and we can use the technology!”  



“We know we live in a digital world, and we can use the technology to make, organise and change our work. We can store our work and find it again! We can keep ourselves safe and know who to ask if we need help”



“We know we live in a digital world, and we can use the technology to store our work and find it again! We know that we need to use clear and careful instructions in programs to get what we want. We are safe because we keep personal information private know who to ask if we need help”



“We know we live in a digital world. We know how input affects output, and can detect and correct errors. We know how to use technology to achieve what we want, and we can evaluate digital content. We are safe because we act responsibly and know who to ask if we need help”



“We know we live in a digital world. We know how input affects output, and can detect and correct errors. We know how to select the best technology in order to achieve what we want, and we can evaluate digital content. We are safe because we act responsibly and acceptably, and know how to report concerns about content or contact”


Computing Intent, Implementation and Impact




We want our children to leave the Belfry CEVA Primary School equipped with the skills, knowledge and understanding to be confident and safe participants in a digital world and know what to do if they feel unsafe. They will be able to create, save and modify their work; understand that their input affects their output; to be able to detect and correct errors, and evaluate content and technology to be able to achieve their aims.


Pupils will know how to use these technological skills when working in all areas of the curriculum, and use them in becoming engaged, motivated and curious learners, while at all times keeping safe.




We take online safety extremely seriously and a clear focus within the school is given to this matter. This is to ensure all pupils are aware of how to use technology safely both in and out of school and who to approach if they have any worries or concerns about anything they have seen online. Online safety is addressed both in lessons and in whole-school assemblies, allowing us to promote healthy attitudes to online activities at an age-appropriate level.


To help pupils achieve this, they are given the opportunity to develop their basic computing skills, before building on them and applying them securely to different pieces of software.


In lessons, computing skills include coding, decoding and debugging as well as how to navigate a web page. These skills will then be enhanced further, allowing pupils to apply them when designing and creating their own digital projects.




Computing assessment is ongoing throughout lessons to inform teachers, and summative assessment is completed against Computing Learning Objectives. Pupils are expected to be confident and able to talk about what they have learnt in Computing using subject specific vocabulary and demonstrate that they can keep themselves safe.



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