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The Belfry CE VA Primary School, Overstrand

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Design and Technology

Design and Technology lenses



“We safely use and explore materials, tools and equipment to make useful products. We are designers and makers!”



“We use tools and equipment to design and make useful products that solve problems. We evaluate existing products as well as our own. We can prepare healthy dishes, and know where the food comes from. We are designers and makers!”



“We use tools and equipment to design and make useful products that solve problems. We evaluate existing products, which help us to create our own design criteria. We evaluate our own products against that design criteria. We can prepare healthy dishes, and know where the food comes from. We are designers and makers!”



“We use tools and equipment to design and make useful products that solve problems. We evaluate existing products, which help us to create our own design criteria. We use those ideas to create diagrams and models before we start.  When we finish we evaluate our product against that design criteria. We can cook the healthy and varied dishes that are part of a healthy lifestyle, and know where the ingredients come from. We are designers and makers!”



“We carefully select tools and equipment to design and make useful products that solve problems. We evaluate existing products, which help us to create our own design criteria. We use those ideas to create diagrams and models before we start.  When we finish we evaluate our finished product against that design criteria, and take on board the ideas of others. We can explain how design and designers have changed our world. We can cook the healthy and varied dishes that are part of a healthy lifestyle, and know where the ingredients come from and how they get to us. We are designers and makers!”


Design and Technology



We want our children to leave the Belfry CEVA Primary School understanding how to design, make and evaluate useful products that solve problems, to work with design criteria, diagrams, and models; taking on board the views of others and learning from other designers.


We want our children to leave the Belfry CEVA Primary School being able to create food dishes that are part of a healthy and varied lifestyle, and knowing where food comes from and how it gets to us, becoming and become engaged, motivated and curious designers and makers.




Our Design Technology curriculum covers the main strands outlined in the National Curriculum and to help us we use, and adapt, the Design and Technology Association’s ‘Project on a Page’ planners to help us raise the standard of Design and Technology across the school.


Design and Technology-specific vocabulary is overtly modelled and reinforced by staff, with discussion-based tasks integrated into each lesson to allow pupils to apply this vocabulary competently themselves. They will carefully select their own materials and tools, considering which ones would be appropriate for the design criteria and which ones will help them create a successful finish to their product. Good health and safety routines are modelled and reinforced throughout each project.



Design and Technology assessment is ongoing throughout the topics and summative assessment is completed at the end of each unit, with pupils assessed against the Learning Objectives. Pupils are expected to be confident and able to talk about what they have learnt in Design and Technology using subject specific vocabulary, and able to recall their learning over time.
