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The Belfry CE VA Primary School, Overstrand

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All admissions to the school are processed by Norfolk Schools Admissions 


The majority of children start at The Belfry in our Reception class (Holly) which is currently a single year group class as we prioritise the highest adult-child ratios in the youngest years, just as in pre-school settings. 


In other year groups, we occasionally have spaces, but cannot guarantee to be able to accommodate large families with multiple siblings due to our mixed-age class structure. In the autumn term each year, prospective parents for the next year's Reception class are invited to open mornings for a tour of the school or individual headteacher tours. Applications for places are then lodged with Admissions and places are allocated in the spring. 


If you would like your child to join us at The Belfry, please contact Norfolk School Admissions first, who will then get in touch with us. If there is space in your child's year group, you can then make an appointment with Nick Read, headteacher, or Steve Boast, deputy, to look around and ask any questions. 


As a Voluntary Aided school, the governors (not the LA) are the admissions authority. Nevertheless The Belfry follows the standard LA admissions criteria, prioritising children in catchment or those with siblings already at the school. Children with EHCPs should approach their assigned EHCP coordinator in the first instance to establish suitability of chosen schools for their child.


